Genexpert User Manual


  • 3
    Intended Use
  • 3
    Summary and Explanation
  • 4
    Principle of the Procedure
  • 4
    Reagents and Instruments
  • 4
    Material Provided
  • 5
    Storage and Handling
  • 6
    Materials Required but Not Provided
  • 6
    Warnings and Precautions
  • 7
    Specimen Collection and Transport
  • 7
    Assay Procedure
  • 7
    Specimen Collection Procedure
  • 7
    Sputum Sediments Procedure
  • 8
    Expectorated Sputum Sample Procedure
  • 9
    Preparing the Cartridge
  • 10
    Starting the Test
  • 11
    Discarding Used Cartridges
  • 11
    Viewing and Printing Results
  • 12
    Quality Control
  • 12
    Interpretation of Results
  • 14
    Reasons to Repeat the Assay
  • 14
    Xpert MTB/RIF Assay Results and Interpretations
  • 15
  • 15
    Performance Characteristics
  • 15
    Retest Procedure
  • 16
    Overall Results
  • 16
    MTB Detection Results
  • 17
    RIF Resistance
  • 19
    Interfering Substances
  • 19
    Analytical Sensitivity
  • 19
    Analytical Specificity
  • 20
    Species/Strains Tested for Specificity
  • 21
    Analytical Inclusivity
  • 21
    Analytical Inactivation of Mycobacteria in Sputum Samples
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
    Table of Symbols

Genexpert User Manual Pdf


Genexpert User Manual Free

Up to 2,074 test results in a mere 24 hour period. Less than 52 minutes time to first result. Less than 2 minutes sample prep time per test. With results lik.