Electronic Devices And Circuits Pdf

Electronic Devices and Circuits by J.B Gupta

Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory 11th edition Robert Boylestad. Download with Google Download with Facebook or download with email. Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory 11th edition Robert Boylestad. Electronics Devices and Circuit.

Here, we are providing Electronic Devices and Circuits by J.B. Gupta Pdf Free Download is one of the important books for Electronics and Communication Engineering Students. This book will useful to most of the students who are preparing for Competitive Exams. The author J.B. Gupta clearly explained about this book by using simple language.

Table of Contents

  • Electron Dynamics
  • Electron Emission
  • Semiconductor Physics
  • Junction Diodes
  • Zeners and other Two-Terminal Devices
  • Rectifiers
  • Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
  • Hybrid Parameters
  • Transistor Biasing and Stabilization
  • Single Stage Transistor Amplifiers
  • Field-effect Transistors
  • Amplifier Frequency Response
  • High-Frequency Transistor
  • Multistage Amplifiers
  • Lage Signals or Power Amplifiers-I Single Ended
  • Large Signals or Power Amplifiers-II Push-Pull
  • Feedback in Amplifiers
  • Tuned Amplifiers
  • Differential Amplifiers
  • Sinusoidal Oscillators
  • Modulation and Demodulation
  • Optoelectronic Devices
  • Power Semiconductor Devices
  • Pulse Signals
  • Linear Waveshaping
  • Nonlinear Waveshaping
  • Switching Circuits (Multivibrators)
  • Integrated Circuits
  • Operational Amplifiers
  • General Applications of OP-AMPs
  • IC Waveform Generators
  • Nonlinear Circuits
  • The 555 IC Timer
  • Active Filters
  • Phase-Locked Loops (PLL)
  • Regulated and Switching Power Supplies
  • Number Systems and Codes
  • Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra
  • Logic Circuits
  • Digital Logic Families
  • Digital-To-Analog and Analog-To-Digital Converters
  • Microcomputers and Microprocessors
  • Electronic (Analog as well as Digital) Instruments
  • Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
  • Transducers
  • Objective Type Questions
  • Appendix
  • Index

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Here you can download the free lecture Notes of Electronic Devices and Circuits Pdf Notes – EDC Notes Pdf materials with multiple file links to download. The Electronic Devices and Circuits Notes Pdf – EDC Pdf Notes book starts with the topics covering Qualitative Theory of p-n Junction, the p-n junction as a rectifier, the junction transitor, the DC and AC load lines, determination of h-parameters from transistor characteristics, The Junction field effect transistor (construction, principle of operation, symbol) pinch of voltage, FET Common Source Amlifiere, Etc.

Electronic Devices and Circuits Pdf Notes – EDC Notes Pdf

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p-n Junction Diode:

Qualitative Theory of p-n Junction. P-n Junction as a Diode, Diode Equation. Volt-Ampere Characteristics, Temperature dependence of V I Characteristics. Ideal versus Practical – Resistance levels ( static and dynamic0 Transition and diffusion capacitances. Diode Equivalent circuits, Load Line Analysis, Breakdown Mechanisms in semi conductor diodes. Zener diode characteristics.


Rectifiers and Filters :

the p-n junction as a rectifier, half wave rectifiers, full wave rectifiers, bridge rectifiers harmonic components in a rectifier circuit. Inductor filters, capacitor filtlers, L SECTION filteres, d- section filters. composition of filters, voltage regulation using zener diode.


Bipolar Junction Transistor :

the junction transitor, transistor current components. Transistor as an amplifier. Transistor construction. BTJ operation, BJT symbol, common base, common emitter and common collector configuration, limits of operation , BJT specification.


Transistor Biasing and Stabilization :

Operating point, the DC and AC load lines. Need for biasing . fixed bias . collector feedback bias. Emitter feedback bias, collector-emittor feedback bias. Voltage divider bias. Bias stability. Stabilization factors. Stabilization against variations in V BE and beta. Bias compensation using diodes and transistors . thermal runaway, thermal stability.


Small Signal Low Frequency BJT Models

BJT hybrid model, determination of h-parameters from transistor characteristics. Analysis of a transistor amplifier circuit using h-parameters. Comparision of CB, CE, and CC amplifiers, configurations.


Field Effect Transistor

The Junction field effect transistor (construction, principle of operation, symbol) pinch of voltage, voltage-ampere characteristics, the JFET small signal model, MOSFET construction, principle of operation, symbol) , MOSFET characteristics in enhancement and depletion modes.

Boylestad Electronics Pdf



FET Common Source Amlifiere, Common Drain Amplifier, Generalized FET Amplifier, Biasing FET, FET as Voltage Variable Resistor, Comparision of BJT, and FET., Uni junction Transistor.


Special Purpose Electronic Devices: Priniciple of Operation and Characteristics of Tunnel Diode ( with the help of Energy Band Diagram 0 and Varactor Diode. Principle of Operation of Schottky Barrier Diode, SCR and Semiconductor Photo Diode.


Electronic Devices Book Pdf

  1. Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits – J.Millman, C.C.Halkias, and Satyabratha Jit Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed., 1998 . TMH
  2. Electronic Devices and Circuits – R.L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Pearson/Prentice Hall,9th Edition,2006.
  3. Introduction to electronic devices and circuits-robert t painter PE.


  1. Integrated electronics – J.Millman and Christos c halkias 1991, 2008, TMH.
  2. Electronic Devices and Circuits – Dr. K. Lal Kishore, B.S. Publications, 2nd Edition, 2005.
  3. Electronic Devices and Circuits – Anil k maini , varsha agarwal , 2009 WIPL
  4. Electronic Devices and Circuits – s salivahana n suresh kumar, a vallavaraj 2008 TMH.

Note :- These notes are according to the r09 Syllabus book ofJNTUH.In R13 ,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in r13 syllabus.Click here to check all the JNTU Syllabus books

Electronic Devices And Circuits Pdf Notes

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